Intuitive Home Birth
Bringing Birth Home
Now serving Caldwell, Idaho and surrounding areas.
Women are beyond amazing. I continually stand in awe. She knows how to navigate pregnancy and give birth beautifully whether it's her first time or her fifteenth.
As a midwife, I come alongside to support her and help her discover how amazing she really is!
-Mary Harvey LM,CPM
Quality care.
Confident birthing.

Mary Harvey LM, CPM
Bringing Birth Home.
Raised on the family homestead, I was instilled with a love for God's creations and our bodies natural ability to heal.
As a young married wife, I saw a lack in our medical system for women in their childbearing years.
I began reading many books about natural childbirth. I saw there was a need for natural childbirth and compassionate midwifery services, available to all who desired it.

Since 17 years old, I attended friends and family births at their homes and in the hospital. I had all four of our children with midwives in birth centers, going through labor and birth unmedicated and mostly intervention-free. Birthing this way was unpopular at the time and had to be fought for. Midwives were not readily available for home births in my area.
After my children were grown, I started formal midwifery training in April, 2016 and moved to Idaho to become a midwifery student. I trained under veteran midwife Valerie Hall of Generations Home Birth. I completed my academic and clinical training in April 2019. I became an Idaho licensed and nationally certified midwife in May 2019.
I continue to attend births and stay current in required Neonatal Resuscitation and Adult CPR along with continuing education in midwifery.